Own the Road

When you purchase or rent an indoor training / spin video, you'll receive access to download or stream the content. You can then play it on any device! Make it portable on your tablet or phone, stream it to your TV through Chromecast, Roku, or Apple AirPlay©. With an uncluttered view of the road, you can ride it according to your particular workout, or follow our minimal coaching instructions. With HanaWays, your rides can be more dynamic. Ride a course hard one day, or go easy on a recovery day.

How It Works...

Many Devices and Many Ways to Ride

The HanaWays Training Experience

Download or Streaming

On-Screen Cues

Self-Guided or Coached

When you purchase a HanaWays indoor training video, you will receive a link to download or stream one or more HD videos, depending on how many parts are in the episode you order. You can then play on any connected device. All videos are presented in HD at 16:9 orientation.


Important !

Pay attention to the file sizes when purchasing for download. Many of our videos exceed 5gb of high definition video. Be sure you can download*, store, and play large videos.

Our training videos are designed to give you as much flexibility and replay as you want. We show you the contour of the road, your progress, and the elapsed time of your workout. In addition, we also have periodic coaching tips to help guide you.


Follow the on-screen cues to simulate real riding conditions or do your own thing. We keep the scenery out in front, where it should be.

No coach is shouting at you. You're not watching other sweaty people training in a gym. You can listen to your music at your volume if you don't like our style. With our on-screen guide you can follow the road as it really is or use your own training plan. Because we aren't calling out specific routines the entire way, you can easily ride the same course many times and never ride it the same way twice.



* We are not responsible for any bandwidth charges or overages.

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© 2015 Copyright HanaWays. All rights reserved. | Unless Otherwise Noted All Images Copyright HanaWays, L.L.C.

Located in the twin cities of Saint Paul & Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, one of the fittest metropolitan areas in the nation. There's always something to do in every season.

Mailing Address

1360 University Avenue W #126

Saint Paul, MN 55104-4086 USA

Phone 612-787-7746

Email Info@HanaWays.com

Our Favorite Charity...

If you want to put your training to something bigger than yourself, we recommend Team and Training (TNT). As part of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, TNT's mission is to help provide funds for cancer patients and research.


We, and hundreds of our friends, have participated in TNT to improve our fitness, train with others, and help  in the fight against blood cancers. Check them out, you'll be glad you did.



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